The Technology: A researcher at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) has developed hybridomas to follow cellular changes in liver cells of rats during chemical carcinogenesis. More specifically, the OV-1 and OV-6 hybridoma consist of monoclonal antibodies fused with a mouse myeloma line. The OV-1 hybridoma stains the surface of oval cells and bile ducts. OV-6 stains the cytoskeleton of oval cells, bile ducts, and hepatomas. The use of these hybridomas provides a new approach to the study of lineage during chemical hepatocarcinogensis in the rat. Specific identification of hepatocytes and oval cells by immunostaining techniques is possible through the use of OV-1 and OV-6. Such specific staining has not been possible with conventional markers.
Publications:• Dunsford HA, Sell S. Production of monoclonal antibodies to preneoplastic liver cell populations induced by chemical carcinogens in rats and to transplantable Morris hepatomas. Cancer Res. 1989 Sep 1;49(17):4887-93.• Dunsford HA, Karnasuta C, Hunt JM, Sell S. Different lineages of chemically induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats defined by monoclonal antibodies. Cancer Res. 1989 Sep 1;49(17):4894-900.
UTHealth Ref. No.: 2004-0011Inventors: Stewart SellLicense Available: world-wide; non-exclusive